Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Perfect Mystic Tan {Part One}

Ahh it's almost New Years Eve. Hands down the most sparkly day of the year. Other than your birthday, I can't think of a single day of the year where you feel or look more glamourous! With that said we wanted to talk to y'all about the add-ins and cartridge choices for the Mystic Spray Tan. The Mystic is completely customizable to get you as dark as you want, as bronzed as you want or even just a simple dusting of glow, Mystic can help with that too!

Here is a how-to for all your mystic needs. We have broken this topic down into a couple of posts so you can ask any questions as we go along!

First step:  Choose your cartridge:

 1. Glow (available at select studios): Produces only a hint of color for a natural, healthy looking glow. Great for light to medium skin tones.

2. Light: Produces results 1-3 shades darker than your natural skin tone. Great for light/medium skin

3. Medium: Prodcues results 2-4 shades darker than your natural skin tone. Great for light/medium and dark skin tones

4. Dark: Produces results 3-5 shades darker than your natural skin tone. Great for medium/dark skin tones!

Before you come in to spray... shower, shave and exfoliate. It is also best to spray at night, then you have a great excuse to go veg out on the couch since you have to wait 4-6 hours to shower. It will actually to continue to develop for 24 hours if you let it. I am fairly fair skinned and I always spray with the dark cartridge and I get beautiful color. Don't be afraid to go a little darker this New Years Eve!

Tune in tomorrow for part two of our discussion on Mystic Tan! Don't forget, today is the last day to grab your BUY ONE GET ONE FREE Mystic Tan!


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